Silk Painting 101: The Marker Resist Technique Supply List
Silk Painting 101: The Marker Resist Technique is the perfect way to learn silk painting. I developed this course to share my love of all things silk!
However, when it comes to silk painting, there are so many supplies out there! It can be overwhelming and frustrating trying to figure out what works best for you in your studio. So I am sharing my favorite silk painting must haves along with my favorite optional tools that make creative life easier!
Each product is linked for purchase*, but you do not need them all! I have divided them into three categories for you: the must-haves, the highly suggested optionals, and the cool extras. This way, you can decipher what will work best with your budget, your experience level, and in your studio space.
If you want access to my Amazon Silk Sizing Supply List to view all of the products together, you can access the list here. It includes everything except a few items which are linked to outside sources. Scroll through the list and only add products you need or want!
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8 mm Habotai Silk Scarves- 14” x 72” is my favorite size to silk paint and I use 21” x 21” to test colors and techniques as I work
Silk Dye: Jacquard GREEN Label or Dye-Na-Flow Fabric Paint or Pebeo Setasilk
General’s Sketch & Wash Pencil- this pencil is water soluble, so it will wash right out after steaming
Assorted Fine Point and Ultra Fine Point Sharpies (any color)
The Highly Suggested Optionals.
You can create beautiful silk paintings without these supplies, but trust me when I say, they will make your creative life easier!
Old Wash Clothes or Hand Towels
Ultra Fine Black Sharpie Marker- record recipes or notes on your practice silk
(2) Gallon Size Plastic Tubs- for washing and fixing your steamed silk
Small, Air Tight Containers- To store mixed silk dyes
Small Garbage Bags- tape one to your table for easy access or cut one open and lay it over areas of your silk or your surface to protect from dye
The Cool Extras!
You can totally create without these materials but I use them often. As you build confidence in your silk painting, consider adding these to your studio!
Ipad- I create all my patterns on my iPad using the Procreate App
Ipad Stylus Pen- I use a stylus pen to draw or trace images to create my patterns
Procreate App- the app I use to create all my silk designs/patterns
Printer- Export your patterns and print them to size
Glue or Clear Tape- Assemble your printed patterns to trace
Small Bottles with Eye Dropper Lids- I store my dyes in these, the dropper lids make measuring dyes easy, and no cleaning between color changes
Red Lens Glasses- Red filters remove color so you can easily define light, medium, and dark values in your reference photo and/or your silk painting
Green Lens Glasses- Green filters also remove color to help you define values but it will identify your light values better so you do not paint them out
Sea Sponge- great for stamping to create texture
Blank index Cards- Record color mixing recipes and add a silk color swatch for future paintings
Acrylic Paint Pens- Create fun designs, details, or textures on your silk paintings
Shammy Towels- Place these at the top of your stand up silk steamer to absorb condensation from the steam
18” Ring Light- I always need more light and this has been a game changer! I can see everything day or night when I am painting
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*Disclosure: Some of the links provided are affiliate links, meaning, at no extra cost to you, I will make a commission, if you click thru and make a purchase.